AGRO Kravský hnůj

95 Kč từ 95 Kč –6 % - lên đến –6 %
Thương hiệu: Agro CS
Chưa được đánh giá
95 Kč từ 95 Kč –6 % - lên đến –6 %
89 Kč 299 Kč từ 89 Kč
Khuyến mại

Natural organic fertilizer that supplies important nutrients to the soil and improves its structure.

It is ideal for fertilizing vegetables, fruits, ornamental plants and lawns.

Thông tin chi tiết
Chọn dạng hàng
2.5 kg
10 kg
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Chúng tôi có thể giao đến :
14.03.2025 14.03.2025 Chọn dạng hàng
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Mô tả chi tiết sản phẩm

AGRO Cow manure is a natural organic fertilizer that provides important nutrients to the soil and improves its structure. It is ideal for fertilizing greens, fruits, ornamental plants as well as shrubs and trees before planting. It contains a high proportion of organic substances that promote humus formation, increase soil fertility and improve soil quality in the long term. Suitable for use both in spring and autumn, it ensures a uniform release of nutrients throughout the season.

Agro True Cow Manure is a fertilizer made from cow manure through a drying and pressing process. The granular form of the fertilizer makes it easy to handle.The fertilizer is used for basic fertilization before planting plants requiring organic fertilization (potatoes, beets, celery, rutabagas, fruiting vegetables). Furthermore, its use is suitable for fertilizing flowerbeds and for soil preparation before planting trees and shrubs.

  • Granulated form of fertilizer - for easier handling (dried pellets)
  • Suitable for use in both spring and autumn.
  • Suitable for fertilizing shrubs and trees before planting
  • Gradual release fertilizer - supplies nutrients throughout the season
  • Year-round use


  • 2.5 kg of manure is enough for about 6 - 7 m2 depending on the type of plant


  • organic fertilizer made from 100% cow manure

This product is supplied in bags of different volumes.

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AGRO Kravský hnůj
95 Kč từ 95 Kč –6 % - lên đến –6 %
89 Kč 299 Kč từ 89 Kč
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