Aqua Vega A Canna

Aqua Vega A Canna
Thương hiệu: Canna
Chưa được đánh giá
199 Kč 599 Kč 999 Kč từ 199 Kč

Complete professional nutrition for fast growing plants for hydroponics.

Thông tin chi tiết
Chọn dạng hàng
1 l
5 l
10 l
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Chúng tôi có thể giao đến :
27.03.2025 - - Chọn dạng hàng
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Mô tả chi tiết sản phẩm

Aqua Vega is a professional nutrition for fast growing plants. It contains all important elements for optimal growth. Aqua Vega is a form of directly soluble nutrients that is very suitable for hydroponic systems with nutrient solution circulation. In addition to the basic nutrients, it also contains pH stabilizers, silicates, humic and fulvic acids for optimal nutrient absorption, directly absorbable forms of nitrogen, pure EDDHA iron chelates and trace elements. This formulation will guarantee a strong plant structure with vital tops. The plant is therefore ideally prepared for the transition to the flowering phase.

Add Aqua Vega to clean water in a ratio of 1:500 (200 ml per 100 l of water), first mixing component A thoroughly and then adding component B. The EC should be between 1.1 and 1.9. The recommended pH is between 5.2 and 6.2 - it should be enough to adjust the pH level when mixing the nutrient solution and the value should hold itself. Fertiliser should be used throughout the growing phase up to the first to third week of the flowering phase (or when the pH level drops to 5.0-5.2 during the 12-hour light period).

Important notes:
Aqua Flores is used for the flowering phase. Do not mix ingredients A and B together in concentrated form, this could produce insoluble compounds that the plant cannot absorb. Packaging is made of polyethylene, which is free of pollutants such as heavy metals, and is easily recyclable.

NPK: 6-3-8

Binary fertilizer, cannot be purchased separately, only Aqua Vega A+ Aqua Vega B.

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Aqua Vega A Canna
Aqua Vega A Canna
199 Kč 599 Kč 999 Kč từ 199 Kč
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