CalMag Agent Canna

CalMag Agent Canna
Thương hiệu: Canna
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279 Kč 899 Kč từ 279 Kč
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Solves deficiencies of two very important minerals - calcium and magnesium. It can also be used where the input water is too soft or when using reverse osmosis water.

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Mô tả chi tiết sản phẩm

Canna CalMag is a special concentrate for adjusting water hardness and replenishing calcium and magnesium.

Main advantages of CALMAG AGENT:
- addresses calcium and magnesium (Ca, Mg) deficiencies
- increases nutrient absorption
- promotes stronger and healthier plants
.- contributes to higher quality flowers and fruits
- it is a high concentration product
- increases the EC of too soft water
- is essential for reverse osmosis water

What is good water quality?
The water that flows from the tap in homes varies by region. If you have your own well or other local water source its quality can be anything and you need to do an analysis.

Basic classification of water by dissolved mineral content:

Soft water
EC is less than 0.4 - you need to increase the EC to 0.4 using Canna CalMag.

Normal water
EC is between 0.4 - 0.5. It contains dissolved calcium, magnesium and sodium bicarbonate which stabilizes the pH of the water. All Cannaj products are formulated to work perfectly with normal water.

Hard Water
Has an EC above 0.5 and contains more calcium and magnesium than the plant can use. If you have hard water, the best way to treat it is to get a reverse osmosis filter. This produces completely demineralised water with almost zero EC. You then mix the filtered water with the hard water to achieve an EC of 0.4. Alternatively, you can use only reverse osmosis filtered water, which you adjust to an EC of 0.4 with Canna CalMag. This ensures that the resulting water contains the perfect ratio of minerals for your plants.

Usuitable water
Water with an EC above 0.5 is unsuitable for growing due to its sodium and chloride content. These components block the uptake of other nutrients and can be toxic to the plant. Again, the situation can be solved by reverse osmosis, but in this case the EC value can only be partially solved by mixing filtered and normal water. Mix some of the unsuitable water into the filtered water to achieve an EC of 0.2. This will add enough bicarbonate to stabilise the pH. To adjust the EC to then 0.4, use Canna CalMag.

Use to adjust the hardness of soft water

  • Shake the bottle well
  • prepare the necessary amount of water (20-22°C)
  • add 0.1-0.5 ml of Canna CalMag per litre of water until you reach the ideal EC of 0.4 mS/cm
  • then add fertilizers and other products as needed

How do you know if you have unsuitable water?
There are several ways to check water quality. You can try getting an analysis from your water supplier, or find information on the water company's website. They are usually widely available and up to date.

Another option is to do your own measurements and analyses. If you don't want to pay for a complete water analysis by a lab, you can use a few tools to find out the necessary data:
measure the EC value of your water with a conductivity meter
if you measure EC >0.5 (hard water), proceed with the test to find out which substances cause the hardness
there are kH and gH tests for this, which you can get at aquarium stores for example


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CalMag Agent Canna
CalMag Agent Canna
279 Kč 899 Kč từ 279 Kč
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