13 items total
Agro Bonsaje 250 ml
Agro Bonsaje 250 ml
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Agro BONSAI is a liquid fertilizer for bonsai that reduces the growth of the plant due to its reduced nitrogen content and promotes the formation of smaller leaves or needles.

Agro Pokojové rostliny 1 l

Agro ROOM PLANTS is an excellent liquid fertilizer suitable for all indoor flowering and non-flowering plants (potato plants, mini roses, gloxinia, African violets, chefflers,...

Agro Rajčata - papriky 1 l
Agro Rajčata - papriky 1 l
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AGRO Organo-mineral fertilizer for tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers is a unique liquid fertilizer. The mineral component ensures a rapid supply of high nutrient content, while...

Agro Bylinky 1 l
Agro Bylinky 1 l
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AGRO Organo-mineral fertilizer for herbs is a unique liquid fertilizer. The mineral component ensures a rapid supply of nutrients to the plant, while the organic component is...

Agro Natura - Bylinková zahrádka 500 ml

Agro NATURA Herb Garden Liquid Fertilizer is a high quality natural fertilizer. It is used for fertilizing and feeding herbs, root vegetables (marjoram, sage, thyme, lemon balm...

Agro Natura - Celá zahrada 1 l

Agro NATURA Liquid fertilizer for the whole garden is a high quality natural fertilizer. It is used for fertilizing vegetables, fruits, herbs, vines, fruit bushes, trees,...

Agro Natura - Jahody a drobné ovoce 1.5 kg

Agro NATURA Organic fertilizer for strawberries and small fruits is a high quality natural organic fertilizer in the form of granules. It is used for strawberries, currants,...

Agro Natura - Bylinková zahrádka 500 ml

Agro NATURA Herb Garden Liquid Fertilizer is a high quality natural fertilizer. It is used for fertilizing and feeding herbs, root vegetables (marjoram, sage, thyme, lemon balm...

Agro Jahody a drobné ovoce 1 l
Agro Jahody a drobné ovoce 1 l
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AGRO Organo-mineral fertilizer for strawberries is a unique liquid fertilizer. The mineral component ensures a rapid supply of nutrients to the plant, while the organic...

Agro Borůvky a brusinky 1 l

AGRO Organo-mineral fertilizer for blueberries and cranberries is a unique liquid fertilizer. The mineral component ensures a rapid supply of nutrients to the plant, while the...

Agro Natura - Jahody a drobné ovoce 1 l

NATURA Natural fertilizer for strawberries and small fruits is a fertilizer with a balanced nutrient content and is suitable for organic farming. It is ideal for fertilizing all...

Agro Citrusy 500 ml
Agro Citrusy 500 ml
In stock (2 pcs)

Agro CITRUS is an excellent liquid fertilizer for citrus. It is an ideal fertilizer for all citrus plants. Thanks to its iron content, it prevents the occurrence of chlorosis,...

Agro Pokojové rostliny 500 ml
Agro Pokojové rostliny 500 ml
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Agro ROOM PLANTS is an excellent liquid fertilizer suitable for all indoor flowering and non-flowering plants (potato plants, mini roses, gloxinia, African violets, chefflers,...


Page 1 of 1 - 13 items total

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