Mykoriza Premium Endo & Ecto Organics Nutrients

Product detailed description
Organics Nutrients Mycorrhiza Premium Endo & Ecto contains a completely organic concentrated powder of 18 mycorrhizal fungi, 5 species of the genus Trichoderma, beneficial bacteria and microorganisms. It extremely increases the growth of the root system (up to 400%), allowing the plants to be better supplied with nutrients and strengthening their immunity. Plants will be more productive, healthier and of higher quality.
The term mycorrhiza is used to refer to the symbiotic relationship of a group of fungi with roots. The fungi supply the plants with less readily available nutrients and water, and the plants reciprocate with sugars. The small roots extend into the soil and enlarge the root system by up to 400%. Plants need less fertiliser, are more resilient, yields are better and larger, and the need to water plants is reduced.
Benefits of mycorrhiza:
- Increases root growth, better nutrient supply
- Natural mechanism
- Provides ideal phosphorus supply
- Can be used for organic production
- Increases water absorption
- Reduces transplanting shock
- Increases resistance to drought
Mycorrhiza Premium contains:
9 Endo & 9 Ecto mycorrhizal fungi, 5 species of the genus Trichoderma, beneficial bacteria, trace elements
.Endo mycorrhizal fungi (220 prop/spore per g.) Glomus claraum, G. intraradices, G. mosseae, G. deserticola, G. monosporum, G. aggregatum, Paraglomus brasilianum, Gigaspora margarita and G. etunicatum Ecto mycorrhizal fungi (Rhizopogan species 5 500 000 prop/spore/gram, Pisolithus tinctorius 500 000 000 prop/spore/gram, Lacarria spp 5 500 000 prop/spore/gram. Scleroderma spp, luspolulum spp 3,000,50 gram. Amylopogan, R. fulvigeba, Pisolithus tinctorius, Laccaria bicolor, L. laccata, Scleroderma cepa and S. cirinum Trichoderma: Trichoderma koningii Trichoderma longibrachiatum Trichoderma reesei Trichoderma hrazianum Trichoderma hamatum
Dosing of Mycorrhiza Premium:
Preplanting: 2 g/l root ball. Sprinkle directly on the roots and plant in.
Watering: 1 g/l water. Mix the powder with water and water the plant.
Slices: cut off a slice and dip the cut part in the powder.
Keep out of reach of children and animals. Avoid direct sun contact. Store at 0°C to 30°C for a minimum of 2 years.
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Organics Nutrients je firma, která se specializuje na výrobu 100% přírodních organických hnojiv a doplňků. Jejich produkty jsou certifikovány pro ekologické zemědělství a zaměřují se na zlepšení struktury půdy, zvýšení mikrobiální aktivity a zlepšení kvality a výnosů plodin. Firma nabízí širokou škálu produktů, včetně organických hnojiv pro růst a kvetení, posilovačů růstu kořenů, mykorizy a dalších. Organics Nutrients klade důraz na inovace a udržitelnost, přičemž jejich cílem je podporovat zdravější půdu a přispívat k lepšímu stavu planety.
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