PK Juice Organics Nutrients

Product detailed description
Organic Nutrients PK JUICE is a 100% natural liquid fertilizer that promotes flower production. With its optimum levels of phosphorus and potassium (5-8) and other microelements (Ca, Mg, Mn, S, Fe, B, Cu and Zn) it provides a balanced supply of nutrients for the flowering phase. It also supplies plants throughout the life phase with vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C, D3 E and K. Plants will produce larger, healthier and better quality fruits and flowers.
This product is suitable for organic farming According to Council Regulation (EC) 834/2007 on organic production.
N-P-K 2-5-8
- Ideal for all types of flowering and fruit plants
- Increases yield and improves crop quality
- Contains more than 70 minerals, vitamins and enzymes
- Increases plant resistance
- Increases plant growth and flowering
- Generated from natural extracts
Composition of PK JUICE:
Organic fertilizer NPK (2-5-8). 2% total nitrogen (N), of which 1.8% organic nitrogen and 0.2% ammonium nitrogen, 5% total phosphorus oxide (P2O5), 8% water soluble potassium oxide (K2O).
Use of PK JUICE:
Add a maximum of 3 ml/l of water.
For spraying, use 1 ml/l of water.
Shake well before use. Add to each top dressing during the flowering phase. Not recommended for irrigation systems. For best results, use immediately after mixing.
Store out of reach of children and animals in a closed container, protect from sunlight. Keep out of the reach of animals and keep away from containers and keep away from other sources of water. 25? allow storage for at least two years.
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Organics Nutrients je firma, která se specializuje na výrobu 100% přírodních organických hnojiv a doplňků. Jejich produkty jsou certifikovány pro ekologické zemědělství a zaměřují se na zlepšení struktury půdy, zvýšení mikrobiální aktivity a zlepšení kvality a výnosů plodin. Firma nabízí širokou škálu produktů, včetně organických hnojiv pro růst a kvetení, posilovačů růstu kořenů, mykorizy a dalších. Organics Nutrients klade důraz na inovace a udržitelnost, přičemž jejich cílem je podporovat zdravější půdu a přispívat k lepšímu stavu planety.