Probiotika pro květiny Weiki

weiki probiotika pro kvetiny
Brand: Weiki
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Flowers need billions of beneficial microorganisms for healthy growth, abundant flowering, resilience and well-being. Just like us humans. But the beneficial bacteria are usually few and far between. That's what weiki probiotics are for. With the help of lactobacilli and other beneficial weiki bacteria, flowers take root, grow and set more flowers. You'll enjoy a blooming garden or balcony and the plants will be in better shape overall. You will see the results after just one month.

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250 ml
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Product detailed description

For healthy growth, abundant flowering, resilience and well-being, flowers need billions of beneficial microorganisms. Just like us humans. But the beneficial bacteria are usually few and far between. That's what weiki probiotics are for. With the help of lactobacilli and other beneficial weiki bacteria, flowers take root, grow and set more flowers. You'll enjoy a blooming garden or balcony and the plants will be in better shape overall. You'll see the results after just a month.

A cocktail of probiotic bacteria that encourages flowering and provides much needed strength and vitality.
It will be a devoted friend to, for example, rose, tulip, peony, hydrangea, clematis, dahlia, hellebore, sunflower, lupine, beautyberry, honeysuckle, lily, lily of the valley, marigold, daylily, bellflower, rosebush and other beauties from our gardens.

How to use the flower weiki

  • It's quite simple. Take the bottle out of the tube, shake it and pour one cap (7 ml) of the weiki solution into a kettle with 7 litres of water. Stir and you're done. Water the plants or give them a probiotic spray directly on the leaves or flowers.
  • You can adjust the dosage according to the weather, if it's dry you put more water, if it rains a lot you just dilute less. Repeat the watering or spraying about once every 10 to 14 days.
  • To give you an idea: One bottle of probiotics will cover the consumption of, say, 12 large tomato bushes per season.
  • Visible results will appear after the third or fourth watering or spraying. Tomatoes will be more vigorous and in better condition overall.

To give you an idea: One bottle of probiotics will cover the consumption of about 10 m2 of flower bed for the whole season.
Visible results will appear after the third or fourth watering or spraying. Flowers will be more vigorous and bloom more overall.

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weiki probiotika pro kvetiny
Probiotika pro květiny Weiki
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