Urychlovač kompostu Weiki 400 g

weiki urychlovač kompostu 1
Brand: Weiki
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Weiki Compost Accelerator is a specially formulated potato starch that feeds beneficial microorganisms. It speeds up composting and eliminates odours. It helps to fix the nutrients in the compost and improve their availability to plants. You get a first-class natural fertilizer quite simply.

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Product detailed description

Weiki Compost Accelerator is a specially formulated potato starch that feeds beneficial microorganisms. It speeds up composting and eliminates odours. It helps to fix the nutrients in the compost and improve their availability to plants. This makes it easy to get a first-class natural fertilizer.

The mysterious key to a flourishing and fruitful garden, which ripens unobtrusively in its corner, is worth caring for. Properly established, fed and treated with probiotic weiki and natural accelerator, compost doesn't smell and makes a first-class substrate and fertilizer from waste and scraps.

How does the weiki compost accelerator help with composting (ideally in combination with weiki probiotics for compost)?

  1. It will quickly kick-start the composting process.
  2. Makes sure that the compost does not smell.
  3. Gives the decomposing bacteria plenty of food, thus encouraging them to multiply and work.
  4. Retains nutrients in the compost and improves their availability to plants.
  5. It will prevent excess nutrients and hazardous substances from leaching into groundwater and washing into surface water.
  6. Improve the environment.

Treated compost

  1. Encourages plant growth and vitality.
  2. Supports plant defences.
  3. Improve plant health and fertility.
  4. Improve soil structure and increase soil water capacity.
  5. Naturalize soil.

How to make healthy compost?

  1. Buy or make a composter and choose a nice shady spot, protected from heavy rain by a tree canopy or a canopy.
  2. Place the composter on a flat surface so that it doesn't slump anywhere and has as much contact with the soil as possible. Place fine mesh on the bottom to prevent access by mice and other rodents.
  3. Use broken branches and twigs as the first, starter layer. This will provide aeration. If you have a composter with vents, open them. Pieces of twigs should be no larger than 5 cm.
  4. Tier according to the rule "Two to three parts brown to one part green."
  5. Brown material includes branches, sawdust, bark, straw, wood chips, dry leaves. The green material includes grass, green leaves, fruits and vegetables, kitchen biowaste, pine needles, and manure.
  6. Compost loves variety! So don't just mix green with brown, but also wet and dry and porous and dense.
  7. Treat the compost from the second layer onwards with a cocktail of beneficial weiki bacteria, which will ensure the rapid decomposition of organic matter, ensure a healthy composting process and fix the nutrients in the compost. After all, this has been their job since the beginning of time.
  8. In order to give the bacteria enough energy to work, multiply easily and quickly, feed them with a special "high-calorie feed" - the compost accelerator weiki, which is a purely natural polysaccharide agent made from modified potato starch.
  9. Satisfied, friendly bacteria will then reward you not only with a faster transformation of your waste into super-quality organic fertilizer, but also suppress the growth of mold and various other pathogens eager to take up residence in the compost, and reduce odors.

Additional parameters

Category: Special fertilizers
Weight: 0.5 kg
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