Additive feeding Booster PK+ Green House Feeding

Additive feeding Booster PK+ Green House Feeding
Thương hiệu: Green House Feeding
Chưa được đánh giá
195 Kč 390 Kč 1 040 Kč 1 690 Kč 3 380 Kč 25 220 Kč từ 195 Kč

Solid flowering supplement to the basic Power feeding range or other fertiliser brands

Thông tin chi tiết
Chọn dạng hàng
50 g
125 g
500 g
1 kg
2.5 kg
25 kg
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18.03.2025 18.03.2025 20.03.2025 18.03.2025 18.03.2025 20.03.2025 Chọn dạng hàng
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3 à nhiều hơn Cái = Giảm giá
156 Kč / Cái
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Mô tả chi tiết sản phẩm

Additive feeding Booster PK+ is a bulk mineral fertilizer developed by Green House Seed co. This fertilizer is user friendly and easy to use as it is highly concentrated and targets flowering support to the basic Power feeding range or other fertilizer brands. The raw materials used are of the highest quality made in the EU. Power feeding is cost effective, easier to use, store and transport and has a longer shelf life than liquid fertilizers.

Additive feeding Booster PK+ contains the perfect balance of phosphorus and potassium, plus magnesium and trace elements. The high quality raw materials used in Booster PK+ are usable by the plants right after the first application. It is much more effective than liquid boosters without clogging irrigation systems.

The combination of Green House Powder Feeding, Calcium and Booster PK+ creates a very professional, specific line of fertilizers for healthy and productive plants.

EASY TO GROW GHF Booster PK+ can be used in combination with Powder Feeding or other basic fertilizers. The supplement works well with the vast majority of fertilizers (results may vary depending on the brand). NPK 0 - 30 - 27

Elemental content:
30% [P2O5] Soluble phosphorus
27% [K2O] Soluble potassium
8.2% [MgO] Soluble magnesium oxide
0.03% [B] Soluble boron
0.002% [Cu] Soluble copper (chelated EDTA)
0.12% [Fe] Soluble iron (chelated EDTA)
0.05% [Mn] Soluble manganese (chelated EDTA)
0.005% [Mo] Soluble molybdenum
0.01% [Zn] Soluble zinc
Flowering week 3 -4: 2 - 3 g/10 l
Flowering week 5-6: 3 - 4 g/10 l
Flowering week 7-8: 4 - 5 g/10 l
Flowering week 9: reduce dosage
Flowering week 10: flush with flushing agent of any brand

This dosage is set for plants flowering for 10 weeks. If plants have a shorter or longer flowering period, the values should be adjusted.
The nutrient solution should not have an EC greater than 1.3 mS/cm.
When growing in soil, fertilize every other watering.

Hãy là người đầu tiên đăng bài báo về mặt hàng này!

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Additive feeding Booster PK+ Green House Feeding
Additive feeding Booster PK+ Green House Feeding
195 Kč 390 Kč 1 040 Kč 1 690 Kč 3 380 Kč 25 220 Kč từ 195 Kč
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