AGRO Cererit Hobby © GOLD 5 kg kompakt

AGRO Cererit Hobby © GOLD 5 kg kompakt
Thương hiệu: Agro CS
Chưa được đánh giá
245 Kč
Skladem (2 Cái)
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Mô tả chi tiết sản phẩm

AGRO CERERIT Hobby® Gold is a chloride-free granular (compact) fertiliser containing micro- and macro elements such as iron, calcium and magnesium. It is intended for the nutrition of fruit, vegetables, hops and ornamental plants. It is used for basic fertilisation and for top dressing during the growing season. The increased potassium content promotes ripening, better fruit colour and higher sugar content. The added iron content prevents yellowing of the leaves. In conifers, it is an effective prevention of needle browning. Recommended dosage: 30 - 100 g/1 m2 per year. Why is it better than the original Cererit? N-P-K (13-6-14) + 2 MgO + 0.3 Fe 22% better nutrient availability for plants Full of nutrients (N-P-K 13-6-14+2MgO+0.3Fe) Solid and uniform granules Nitrogen in two forms (urea - slow release, ammonium - rapidly available) Dust-free, odourless What are compact fertilizers? Compaction is the process of granulation of fertilizers under dry conditions (compression at high pressure). Conventional compound granular fertilisers are made by mixing granules of individual ingredients in the required ratio. However, in the production of compact fertilisers, we mix the fine particles of the individual ingredients and only from this mixture do we produce compact granules. The individual granules therefore contain all the fertiliser components and this allows a much better and more even distribution of nutrients to the individual plants.

Các thông số bổ sung

Danh mục hàng: Universal fertilisers
Trọng lượng: 5.1 kg
Alza: 1

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AGRO Cererit Hobby © GOLD 5 kg kompakt
AGRO Cererit Hobby © GOLD 5 kg kompakt
245 Kč
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