AGRO Organominerální hnojivo muškáty 1 kg CZ/SK

AGRO Organominerální hnojivo muškáty 1 kg CZ/SK
Thương hiệu: Agro CS
Chưa được đánh giá
100 Kč
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Mô tả chi tiết sản phẩm

AGRO Organomineral Muscadine Fertiliser creates an ideal environment for geraniums, pelargoniums, petunias and related plants and supports them in healthy growth and rich flower set and colour. It is suitable for all types of geraniums and other related flowering plants grown in containers and in open soil, where it has a fast and long-lasting effect for up to 60 days thanks to its organic and mineral components.The geranium fertiliser is multi-component and its composition has a positive effect on the formation of fertile humus in the soil and thus directly increases its fertility. The organic form of nitrogen prevents unwanted overfertilisation and regulates the water regime of the plants. Nutrient composition nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium (6-6-5) the organic component horn is a natural source of nitrogen and the coir fibre aerates the soil the mineral component ensures an increase in green matter and abundant flower production and acts in the soil within a few days after application dosage: apply 10 g of fertiliser per plant, using the measuring cup provided (1 measuring cup = 5 g) The muscadine fertilizer is supplied in pellet form for easy handling and in a zippered bag.

Các thông số bổ sung

Danh mục hàng: Fertilisers for balcony plants
Trọng lượng: 1.2 kg

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AGRO Organominerální hnojivo muškáty 1 kg CZ/SK
AGRO Organominerální hnojivo muškáty 1 kg CZ/SK
100 Kč
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