Base Mills Organics

Base Mills Organics
Thương hiệu: Mills
1 đánh giá
269 Kč 449 Kč 609 Kč 919 Kč 3 469 Kč 6 999 Kč 13 529 Kč từ 269 Kč

Organic basic fertilizer for the entire life cycle of the plant. Suitable for all media, including hydroponics.

Thông tin chi tiết
Chọn dạng hàng
100 ml
250 ml
500 ml
1 l
5 l
10 l
20 l
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Mô tả chi tiết sản phẩm

Mills Organics Base is an organic base fertilizer that ensures healthy, resilient and vital plants. It contains all the macro and micro elements a plant needs during growth and flowering. High in organic matter, humic and fulvic acids, it is formulated in chelated form. This means that the nutrients are immediately available and easily accepted by the plant. The chelated form significantly increases the absorption of the nutrients and thus the best possible results can be achieved. This results in healthy, strong, bright green plants with high yields.

Made with premium quality raw materials
Supports root growth and development
Increases cell division for green growth
Improves stress resistance
Prevents mineral deficiencies
Significantly increases nutrient absorption
High in carbohydrates for a sweet taste
Very easy to use
100% calcium available

NPK: 3-3-3

Dosage: 0.5-8 ml/l

Organic Base is used throughout the life cycle of the plant. For maximum yield and 100% plant potential, use in combination with Mills Organic Grow and Mills Organic Bloom.

It is ideal for indoor and outdoor growing. Suitable for all media including hydroponics


Mills Base is a highly filtered fertilizer, so it can flow through the irrigation system without solidifying or clogging the system.

Apply according to the ratio listed in the attached table within the last 7-10 days, watering only with clean water.

Mills Organics by Mills Nutrients is a product developed, manufactured and packaged in the Netherlands.


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Base Mills Organics
Base Mills Organics
269 Kč 449 Kč 609 Kč 919 Kč 3 469 Kč 6 999 Kč 13 529 Kč từ 269 Kč
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