Big Plant Organics Nutrients

Mô tả chi tiết sản phẩm
Organic Nutrients Big Plant is a unique organic fertilizer consisting only of the remains of the larvae of the Tenebrio molitor.
Big Plant is a 100% natural booster for your plants and offers a wide range of bioactive benefits. It promotes plant growth, improves conditions for root growth and produces hardy plants with high yields. It contains beneficial microorganisms, bacteria and fungi that support the root system. Due to the presence of chitin in Big Plant fertilizer, there is a natural increase in resistance to pests and diseases, which in turn translates into increased yield, growth and taste of the harvest. It also contains a natural source of silicon, magnesium, manganese, boron, copper, zinc.
Suitable for all fast growing plants (vegetables, annuals, herbs), houseplants, perennials.
NPK 3-3-3
This product is suitable for organic farming according to Council Regulation (EC) 834/2007 on organic production.
- 100% natural
- Increases growth and production
- Natural repellent effect against pests such as moths, aphids, stinkbugs, vinegarworms, thrips and others
- Solid - easy to apply - by sprinkling, spraying, in watering cans
- Odourless
- Safe - does not harm humans or animals
- Suitable for growth and flowering
Composition of Big Plant:
Beneficial microorganisms, bacteria and fungi.
Organic fertilizer NPK (3-3-3). 3% total nitrogen (N), 3% phosphorus (P), 3% potassium (K), magnesium (Mg) 6.0 g/kg, copper (Cu) 32 mg/kg, manganese (Mn) 155 mg/kg, zinc (Zn) 82 mg/kg, boron (B) 0.01 mg/kg.
Can be used at all stages of growth.
Big Plant dosage:
- Substrate:Add 6-8 g per 1 litre of substrate and mix .
- Coconut: Add 6-8 g per 1 litre of coconut substrate and mix
- Watering: add 4 to 6 g per 1 litre of water, stir or leach, repeat weekly
- Spread on soil: Add 80-100 g per 1 m2 of soil, repeat every 4-5 weeks
- Compost tea: Add 5 g per litre of water to make compost tea
Store out of reach of children and animals in a closed container, protect from sunlight. In temperatures between 0 ? and 25 ? allows storage for at least two years.
Read Kokořílek's and Kedlubňák's tipsHow-to-Mourn
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Organics Nutrients je firma, která se specializuje na výrobu 100% přírodních organických hnojiv a doplňků. Jejich produkty jsou certifikovány pro ekologické zemědělství a zaměřují se na zlepšení struktury půdy, zvýšení mikrobiální aktivity a zlepšení kvality a výnosů plodin. Firma nabízí širokou škálu produktů, včetně organických hnojiv pro růst a kvetení, posilovačů růstu kořenů, mykorizy a dalších. Organics Nutrients klade důraz na inovace a udržitelnost, přičemž jejich cílem je podporovat zdravější půdu a přispívat k lepšímu stavu planety.