Big Start Organics Nutrients

Mô tả chi tiết sản phẩm
Organic Nutrients Big Start is a high quality organic root stimulator based on humic acids, seaweed and microorganisms. The combination of humic acids, fulvic acids, seaweed extract (Ascophyllum nodosum), beneficial microorganisms (Bacillus subtilis and Trichoderma) promotes strong and healthy root growth. Big start increases plant resistance to stress, stimulates microbial activity in the soil and significantly increases root growth. It mobilises inactive nutrients and makes them available to plants. Use on all plants, including fruit trees, vegetables, herbs, ornamentals or lawns.
This product is suitable for organic farming according to Council Regulation (EC) 834/2007 on organic production.
N-P-K 0-0-2
- Improves soil structure
- Improves root ventilation and root growth
- Regulates soil pH
- Increases nutrient supply (mainly nitrogen, phosphorus and micronutrients)
- Increases plant resistance
- Contains organic minerals
- Extends the water retention capacity of the soil
- Supports the development of chlorophyll, sugar and amino acids
- Supports the growth and expansion of soil microorganisms
Humic acids, fulvic acids, seaweed (Ascophyllum nodosum), Trichoderma harzianum and Bacillus subtilis. 0% total nitrogen (N), 0% phosphorus (P), 2% water-soluble potassium oxide (K).
How to use Big Start:
- Shake well before use.
- Add a maximum of 3-5 ml of Big Start per 1 litre of water.
- Apply at each watering during all growth stages.
- For best results, use in combination with Power Plant, which you mix in the same ratio. Mix both with water and apply immediately.
Store out of reach of children and pets in a closed container, protect from sunlight. Temperatures between 0? 25? allow storage for at least two years.
Big Start Dosage:
Irrigation: 3-5 ml/l water weekly
Leaf Spray: 3-5 ml/l water for 7 to 10 days
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Organics Nutrients je firma, která se specializuje na výrobu 100% přírodních organických hnojiv a doplňků. Jejich produkty jsou certifikovány pro ekologické zemědělství a zaměřují se na zlepšení struktury půdy, zvýšení mikrobiální aktivity a zlepšení kvality a výnosů plodin. Firma nabízí širokou škálu produktů, včetně organických hnojiv pro růst a kvetení, posilovačů růstu kořenů, mykorizy a dalších. Organics Nutrients klade důraz na inovace a udržitelnost, přičemž jejich cílem je podporovat zdravější půdu a přispívat k lepšímu stavu planety.