BioBloom powder feeding 1 kg Green House Feeding

BioBloom powder feeding 1 kg Green House Feeding
Thương hiệu: Green House Feeding
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1 810 Kč
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Power feeding BioBloom is an all-in-one organic fertilizer in powder form for the flowering stage of all plants

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Mô tả chi tiết sản phẩm

Power feeding BioBloom is an all-in-one organic fertilizer in powder form for the flowering phase of all plants. All essential nutrients are mediated by natural minerals and organic raw materials. BioBloom is suitable for organic farming. The natural minerals are immediately available to the plants and the organic nutrients are released slowly and gradually after they are broken down by micro-organisms in the soil. BioBloom is a unique product that delivers adequate amounts of macro- and micronutrients in the most efficient way. Extensive research and development has made it possible to create a product that provides high levels of phosphorus in its natural form.
Phosphorus provides the plant with the energy to sustain growth. Symptoms of phosphorus deficiency are stunted growth and blue-green leaves. As with nitrogen, symptoms first appear on older leaves, indicating that phosphorus is also mobile in the plant and can be moved to where it is most needed.

Power feeding BioBloom should be mixed into the substrate. It can be used in soil, coconut and similar substrates. It can be mixed into the substrate when transplanting or added later by mixing or sprinkling on top of the soil. The nutrients are then released at a constant rate over a period of 8 weeks. Only one application is needed for up to 8 weeks.

NPK: 4-9-9

Organic carbon (C) 18%
Total nitrogen (N) 4%
Organic nitrogen (N) 4%
Water soluble phosphorus oxide and neutral ammonium citrate (P 2 O 5 ) 9%
.br /> Water-soluble potassium oxide (K 2 O) 9 %
Calcium oxide (Ca) 8 %
Magnesium oxide (Mg) 4 %
Sulphur oxide (S) 18 %

from bone meal, magnesium sulphate, feather meal, beet vinasse, rapeseed meal, calcium phosphate.

8 weeks of flowering: In the 1st week = 3 g/litre of substrate
10 weeks of flowering: In the 1st week = 3 g/litre of substrate
10 weeks of flowering. týdnu = 2-3 g/ litr substrátu
             &                Ve 3. In the 1st week = 1 g/litre of substrate
12 weeks of flowering. týdnu = 3 g/litr substrátu
             &                V 5. Week 5 = 1 g/litre of substrate
Reduce rates for plants with lower fertiliser requirements and for pre-fertilised substrate.

Mycelium from beneficial fungi may appear on the surface of the substrate.
Improves microbial life within the substrate and does not harm people, animals or plants.
Fungi are a major agent in the decomposition of organic matter such as simple sugars, amino acids, etc.
Dissolves minerals that are initially unavailable to plants.

Các thông số bổ sung

Danh mục hàng: Fertilisers
Trọng lượng: 1.1 kg

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BioBloom powder feeding 1 kg Green House Feeding
BioBloom powder feeding 1 kg Green House Feeding
1 810 Kč
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