BOPON Orchideje

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Thương hiệu: Bopon
Chưa được đánh giá
69 Kč

BOPON Orchid Flower is a fertilizer specially designed to promote flower formation in orchids. It contains high levels of potassium, which promotes healthy flower growth and development.

Thông tin chi tiết
500 ml
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Mô tả chi tiết sản phẩm

Forget about the demanding care of orchids and try BOPON fertilizer! This excellent fertilizer is the ideal choice for anyone who wants to achieve healthy and beautiful orchid growth. BOPON contains all the essential nutrients your orchids need to feel great and bloom like never before.

Because of its formulation with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other micronutrients, BOPON fertilizer allows your orchids to grow and develop faster and healthier than ever before. It is also designed to meet the specific needs of your orchids at different stages of growth. BOPON Orchid Growth promotes leaf and root development, while BOPON Orchid Flower stimulates flower production.

No need to worry about not knowing how to handle this fertilizer. BOPON is easy to use and dosing is simple thanks to the precise instructions on the packaging. Just mix the fertilizer with water according to the recommended dosage and apply to your orchids.

If you are looking for a way to improve the growth and bloom of your orchids, don't hesitate to try BOPON fertilizer today! Your orchids will thank you with beautiful flowers and healthy growth.

Các thông số bổ sung

Danh mục hàng: Special fertilizers
Vhodné pro orchideje: Orchideje

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BOPON Orchideje
BOPON Orchideje
69 Kč
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Dnes 9:00-17:00
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