CalMag Mills

CalMag Mills
Thương hiệu: Mills
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649 Kč 2 499 Kč từ 649 Kč

Nutritional supplement crucial for healthy plant growth and vitality. Necessary when:

  • watering with soft water
  • growing in recirculating systems and bubblers
  • growing mother plants
  • growing under LED lighting
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25.03.2025 27.03.2025 Chọn dạng hàng
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Mô tả chi tiết sản phẩm

Mills CalMag is a highly concentrated nutrient supplement designed to prevent and correct calcium and magnesium deficiencies in plants. These secondary macronutrients are key to healthy plant growth and vigor, especially when using soft or demineralized water such as reverse osmosis water. 

Main Features:

  • Prevention of deficiencies: Calcium is essential for proper cell structure development and overall plant vigor, while magnesium affects the production of chlorophyll, crucial for photosynthesis. 
  • Increases EC levels:Adding CalMag to soft or demineralized water will increase the electrical conductivity (EC) to the desired level, ensuring optimal nutrient uptake. 
  • Versatile Uses:Ideal for growing in recirculating systems, bubble systems, growing mother plants or buffering coconut substrates. 


Using Mills CalMag:

  • When using rainwater or water from reverse osmosis: these sources often lack sufficient calcium and magnesium needed for healthy plant growth.
  • In recirculating systems and bubblers: plants in these systems rapidly absorb these minerals.
  • For buffering coconut substrates: to remove unwanted salts, such as potassium and sodium, and replace them with nutrients beneficial to plants, such as calcium and magnesium.
  • When growing mother plants: they use calcium more intensively as they age, which can lead to weakening of new shoots.
  • It is therefore advisable to add CalMag at least once a week to the nutrient solution to prevent these deficiencies.

Recommended Dosage:

  • Water Enrichment: Add approximately 1 ml per 1 litre of water to increase EC to desired level.
  • Prevention of deficiencies: Apply 1 ml per 1 litre of water at pH 6.5 once a week without additional additives. 


Caution: Due to the high reactivity of calcium, it is recommended to add CalMag to the nutrient solution immediately after any Vitalize application and before adding other nutrients. 

Using Mills CalMag will ensure your plants receive the necessary secondary nutrients for optimal growth and development, resulting in a richer, healthier crop.

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CalMag Mills
CalMag Mills
649 Kč 2 499 Kč từ 649 Kč
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