FlashClean Terra Aquatica

FlashClean Terra Aquatica
Thương hiệu: Terra Aquatica
Chưa được đánh giá
149 Kč 319 Kč 549 Kč 799 Kč từ 149 Kč

FlashClean® is one of the most powerful helpers for growers - it can rejuvenate houseplants as well as maximize yield and potential in a commercial hydroponic system.

Thông tin chi tiết
Chọn dạng hàng
500 ml
1 l
5 l
10 l
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Mô tả chi tiết sản phẩm

In any growing system, fertiliser residues are deposited over time as a result of the natural growing process. This gradually builds up salts that can clog drip lines and cause unsightly deposits on the soil or substrate surface. This puts excessive stress on the plants and can cause root damage. Today, with the availability of highly concentrated fertilizers and many systems having high EC (el conductivity), nutrient lockout can also covertly limit plant uptake due to excess nutrients not being used - so-called "nutrient lockout". However, FlashClean® solves all these problems and many more:
dissolves accumulated mineral salts
optimizes nutrient balance
solves nutrient "lockout"
nourishes microorganisms and restores soil and coir
maximizes final-stage growth (especially in combination with FinalPart®)
FlashClean® was developed specifically to dissolve mineral salts : it loosens the nutrient bonds between the minerals and the substrate and allows the grower to flush out the remaining deposits. This flush also allows the plants to make full use of the remaining fertiliser, especially in the critical week just before harvest.
Unlike other clean solutions and products for the final growth phase, FlashClean® is not acidic, does not work on an enzyme basis and does not accumulate magnesium or other mineral supplements in the system - which is why it is unprecedentedly flexible. With FlashClean®, you can thoroughly cleanse your plants and system at any stage of the growing process.
No matter how you grow - indoors or outdoors, in soilless media or hydroponically, in pots or garden beds. FlashClean® is easy to use. Just mix with pH-adjusted water and apply.

In recirculating hydroponic systems:

For resetting and recovery before nutrient replacement (and before using FinalPart®) : add 1.5 to 3 ml FlashClean® per 1 L to the current nutrient solution and allow to circulate for 24 hours before draining and replacing with fresh nutrient solution. Apply a lower dose to young or fragile plants, apply a higher dose to strong or shortly before harvest.
After burning or so-called nutrient lock : drain the old nutrient solution, add 1.5 to 3 ml per 1 L of pH-adjusted water (you don't need a full tank, just enough to keep the solution circulating freely and the system running). Allow to circulate for 24 hours before draining and adding new and fresh nutrient solution. Apply a lower rate to young or tender plants, apply a higher rate to strong or shortly before harvest.
As a final rinse (after FinalPart®) : Pour off the existing nutrient solution and add 1.5 to 3 ml of FlashClean® per 1 L of pH-adjusted water on the last two days before harvest (you don't need a full tank, just enough to allow the solution to circulate freely and the system to run), which will increase the level of sugars in the plants - instead of losing the aroma and medicinal content, as happens in the case of a long flush with water.
In soil substrates & soilless mixes including coconut:

For resetting and restoration before nutrient replacement (also before using FinalPart®), or after nutrient burn or "lock-in" : every fifteen days (or as needed after "lock-in", etc.), fill the watering can with clean pH-adjusted water and add 1.5 to 3 ml of FlashClean® per 1 L of water. Water until the solution starts to flow out of the bottom of the container. With the next watering, switch back to the normal fertilisation regime. Apply a lower rate to young or tender plants, apply a higher rate to strong or shortly before harvest.
As a final rinse / after FinalPart® : During the last two days before harvest, add FlashClean® at a rate of 3 ml per 1 L of water in place of nutrients. This will increase the level of sugars in the plants and, unlike a long flush with water, there will be no loss of aroma and health benefits.

Note: FlashClean® can be used at any time during growth or flowering, but apply no more than once every two weeks.

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FlashClean Terra Aquatica
FlashClean Terra Aquatica
149 Kč 319 Kč 549 Kč 799 Kč từ 149 Kč
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