Hesi Super Vit 100 ml

Hesi Super Vit 100 ml
Thương hiệu: Hesi
Chưa được đánh giá
629 Kč

SuperVit is a biostimulant that can improve the energy level of plants, boost vitality and resistance to various stress factors. SuperVit improves the absorption and processing of nutrients from the soil.

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Mô tả chi tiết sản phẩm

SuperVit is a biostimulator for plants that can do extraordinary things with just a few drops.

SuperVit can improve plant energy levels, boost vitality and resistance to various stress factors. SuperVit improves the absorption and processing of nutrients from the soil. It supplies the plant with important components for metabolism. The ready-made building blocks in SuperVit allow the plant to skip some steps of its internal metabolism. The plant can use the saved energy and time for better development. The vital substances are also stimulators of the growth of microorganisms in the substrate. This creates a strong network between the plant, the substrate and the microorganisms in it.

Properties of SuperVit Biostimulator:

  • Highly concentrated
  • Effective for all plants
  • Excellent for all growing methods

Hesi SuperVit dosage:

  • At each watering or spraying
    1 drop for 0-4.5 l of water and 2 drops for 4.5-9 l of water.
    1 ml / up to 65 l of water
  • Shake thoroughly before use.


Composition of SuperVit:

25 different vitamins, amino acids and other vital substances highly concentrated and extremely effective for plants.

Các thông số bổ sung

Danh mục hàng: Fertiliser supplements
Trọng lượng: 0.12 kg

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Hesi Super Vit 100 ml
Hesi Super Vit 100 ml
629 Kč
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