Jungle In Da Box StarterPack Outdoor X

Jungle In Da Box StarterPack Outdoor X
Thương hiệu: JUNGLE indabox
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1 199 Kč

Jungle in da box outdoor fertiliser kit for outdoor plants

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Mô tả chi tiết sản phẩm

JUNGLE OUTDOOR is a highly concentrated complex fertilizer for ideal growth (provided by ingredient 1). It is suitable for a wide range of soil substrates and for all types of irrigation systems. It guarantees excellent growing results. This product has the ideal composition for plant growth and the subsequent formation of abundant inflorescences. It ensures better nutrient uptake, reduces stress from fluctuations in irrigation and temperature in outdoor locations. Thanks to the natural source of cytokinins, it increases yield. Contains the necessary trace elements in fully chelated form and in the correct ratio to each other. The natural content contributes to root formation and regeneration. Jungle Indabox fertilizer is environmentally friendly, it contains no added dyes as it is made from high purity feedstock.
It is used for all soil types except for strongly acidic soils. It can be used with normal tap water at a dilution ratio of up to 1 : 350. Store the prepared dressing at 22°C in a dark container for approx. 1 month (circulation pump recommended). Never mix the residues of the old dressing with the new one. No additional additives are needed with this fertiliser! It is exclusively a Czech product!
Store in a cool place and protect from frost. The shelf life of the concentrate is 24 months.
Package contains.

Các thông số bổ sung

Danh mục hàng: Fertiliser kits
Trọng lượng: 5 kg
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