NovaMax Bloom Terra Aquatica

NovaMax Bloom Terra Aquatica
Thương hiệu: Terra Aquatica
Chưa được đánh giá
259 Kč 379 Kč 1 309 Kč từ 259 Kč

The most concentrated single-component liquid nutrition on the market.

Thông tin chi tiết
Chọn dạng hàng
500 ml
1 l
5 l
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Chúng tôi có thể giao đến :
24.03.2025 24.03.2025 - Chọn dạng hàng
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Mô tả chi tiết sản phẩm

NovaMax represents a breakthrough in fertiliser technology? It provides growers with the power of powder concentrates along with the ease of use of liquid fertilizers in a TRULY one-component form - just one bottle for growth, one for bloom? There is no need to add extra Cal-Mag / PK / supplemental trace elements for healthy growth?
Our unique formula based on thoroughly purified minerals and natural supplements contains, among other things, humic extracts and is concentrated using patented technology - making a very small amount of NovaMax fertilizer powerful and can be applied to any plant species?


Shake vigorously and mix thoroughly with water before each use.
Terra Aquatica NovaMax® is highly concentrated: the maximum concentration per litre of water is 2.5 ml.

Compatible with all plants and substrates, in hydroponics, in soil and outdoors.
After nutrient utilization, Terra Aquatica Fulvic Acid® is the best formulation for maximum growth enhancement.
Terra Aquatica Trikologic provides beneficial microbial life to the plant root ball, Trikologic S provides enhanced protection and better results, especially at high temperatures.
General Organics Supplements:The General Organics line contains high quality organic supplements to optimize and enhance growth, including G.O. Seaweed®, a powerful pre-bloom phase activator.
FlashClean®: is not just for nutrient stalling and harvesting problems. In fact, it rejuvenates old substrate and tired soil, which is otherwise difficult to do with fruit plants that cannot be replanted. It can breathe new life into mother plants.
Apply FinalPart® for the last 10 days to increase flower production.

Hãy là người đầu tiên đăng bài báo về mặt hàng này!

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NovaMax Bloom Terra Aquatica
NovaMax Bloom Terra Aquatica
259 Kč 379 Kč 1 309 Kč từ 259 Kč
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Dnes 9:00-17:00
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