Probiotika pro rajčata Weiki

weiki probiotika rajcata
Thương hiệu: Weiki
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249 Kč

Tomatoes need billions of beneficial microorganisms for healthy growth, fertility and well-being. Just like us humans. But the beneficial bacteria are mostly scarce. That's what weiki probiotics are for. With the help of lactobacilli and other beneficial weiki bacteria, tomatoes will root better, grow bigger and produce more. You'll reap a bigger harvest and sweeter tomatoes, and the plants will be in better shape overall. You'll see results after just one month.

Thông tin chi tiết
250 ml
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For healthy growth, fertility and well-being, tomatoes need billions of beneficial microorganisms. Just like us humans. But the beneficial bacteria are usually few and far between. That's what weiki probiotics are for. With the help of lactobacilli and other beneficial weiki bacteria, tomatoes will root better, grow bigger and produce more. You'll reap a bigger harvest and sweeter tomatoes, and the plants will be in better shape overall. You will see the results after just one month.

For which plants is the product registered?

Scented, sweet, delicious - tomatoes are divine and we have a special manna for them. To keep them healthy, hardy and strong. It will improve the taste of bush tomatoes, stick tomatoes, balcony tomatoes, wild tomatoes and all other types and varieties of tomatoes.

What are probiotics for tomatoes and how do they work?

Tomato crops are not much different from ours. Billions of microorganisms live in the human body with a huge impact on our health, immunity and well-being. The same goes for the plant kingdom. Billions of invisible helpful helpers live in the plant body too. Roots are immersed in the soil bacterial world that helps tomatoes take up nutrients, grow, adapt to change and protect them from disease and stress. In return, the plants serve the beneficial bacteria food in the form of sugar from the root exudates.

But useful bacteria are scarce for a variety of reasons, and pathogens lurk everywhere, which can have a devastating effect on the plant. Probiotics weiki, with seven carefully selected, mutually supporting strains of beneficial bacteria, will make sure that there are enough beneficial bacteria, that your tomatoes can resist pathogens and that they thrive and produce abundantly.

Strengthening the camp of beneficial bacteria will simply make life easier for your tomatoes. The result? Better plant health, bigger and sweeter fruit.

How do weiki beneficial bacteria help tomatoes?


  • Encourages tomatoes to grow, vigor and fertility.
  • Improve the health and natural defenses of tomatoes. They are a great preventative because they produce lactic acid and other substances that make life difficult for pathogens.
  • Encourages tomatoes to form root exudates that bacteria feed on, thereby strengthening their root system.
  • "Pre-chew" hard-to-digest nutrients into a form that tomatoes can easily use. Better nutrition has a positive effect on fertility.
  • Slows down the eventual onset of disease, easing its progress. Tomatoes will regenerate faster.
  • They give tomatoes the strength to cope with stress, environmental changes, fight drought, frosts or downpours, and fight off diseases and pests. This is thanks to the production of phytohormones.
  • They feed the tomato plants the necessary phosphorus and potassium. This will result in a sweeter and larger crop.
  • Probiotics are completely harmless and environmentally friendly, so you can treat all types of tomatoes with them without any worries.

How to use weiki for tomatoes

  • It's quite simple. Take the bottle out of the tube, shake it and pour one cap (7 ml) of the weiki solution into a kettle with 7 litres of water. Stir and you're done. Water the plants or give them a probiotic spray directly on the leaves or flowers.
  • You can adjust the dosage according to the weather, if it's dry you put more water, if it rains a lot you just dilute less. Repeat the watering or spraying about once every 10 to 14 days.
  • To give you an idea: One bottle of probiotics will cover the consumption of, say, 12 large tomato bushes per season.
  • Visible results will appear after the third or fourth watering or spraying. Tomatoes will be more vigorous and in better condition overall.

Why do I need probiotics, aren't there enough beneficial bacteria?

You may be wondering why add probiotic bacteria to the soil when there is certainly enough. Unfortunately, there usually isn't. This may be because of the use of mineral fertilisers, for example, which provide nutrition to plants effortlessly. The tomatoes then become lazy and do not form enough roots or sweet root growth. The bacteria lose their food source and die. The tomato bush becomes dependent on its mineral feed, and because it has weak roots and immunity, any major stress in the form of transplanting, frost, downpours or pathogen attack will throw it off.

In addition, some of the elements from mineral fertilizers are washed away into the environment because tomatoes cannot process all the nutrients at once. It's like having a giant pot of soup cooked and not having a refrigerator. You'll eat, but you'll be hungry in no time. The probiotics, on the other hand, build up nutrient reserves for a rainy day. Because nutrients are slowly released from organic matter, plants can reach for a snack whenever they need it.

When the beneficial micro-organisms in the soil diminish, the entire food chain of the soil's natural inhabitants is disrupted and the soil begins to wither, the tomato bushes die and with them the hope of a large crop of sweet tomatoes. All that's left is to try to save everything with pesticides. But that will exacerbate the problem and make gardening more of a struggle than a joy. That's why if you use mineral fertiliser, you should continuously add life to the soil, ideally in the form of probiotics in combination with organic matter, such as mulch or compost.

What if I use only natural fertilizers that support life in the soil?

You will often find soil poor in beneficial bacteria even in natural gardens, because the granular organic fertilizers for tomatoes that most of us use contain almost no life anymore due to the heat treatment during processing. The bacteria have yet to re-establish themselves in this organic matter, which is greatly facilitated by probiotics.

But probiotics will do your tomatoes a lot of good, even if you use fresh compost, horse manure, chicken manure or make your own yams. While there are plenty of beneficial bacteria in fresh organic fertilizers, they can't always live together, or even work together. In addition, fresh natural fertilizers almost always contain pathogenic and therefore often dangerous bacteria. And probiotics make it harder for these bacteria to live and breed.

Strengthening the camp of beneficial bacteria will simply make life easier for your tomatoes and make them grow more peacefully, no matter how you add nutrients to the soil. This in turn will have an effect on flower set, the quantity and quality of the tomatoes and the overall condition of the bushes.

Will probiotics replace fertiliser?

Tomato bushes, like any other living organisms, need nutrients. As a rule, more than they can "catch" by root in a bed, because they're thistles. Not to mention the box and the pot, you can't even send a long-root there for nutrients in the deeper layers of the soil.

After a while, the nutrients in the bed or pot become depleted and even the beneficial bacteria busily breaking down organic matter won't produce enough nutrients for such large eaters. That's where fertiliser comes in. We advocate organic fertilisers, which are beneficial not only for the plants but also for the soil itself. But you can do well with mineral fertilizers too, as long as you don't use too much.

Beneficial bacteria have a different function than fertilizing! Namely, to transform the nutrients in the fertilizer so that the tomato bushes can take them up.

Utility bacteria "pre-chew" hard-to-digest nutrients from organic matter into a form that tomatoes can easily use. They also continuously provide the plants with the necessary doses of phosphorus and potassium, the elements that most influence the taste and quality of the crop. This results in sweeter and better quality tomatoes. You may even observe that probiotic watering has a positive effect on the resistance and vigour of the bushes and the hatching of the flowers.

Even if you always give your tomato bushes the ideal cocktail of organic nutrients, if the beneficial bacteria don't use them, the plants will suffer from malnutrition. If you use mineral fertiliser, you need to use probiotics to bring back the life that these fertilisers suppress.

How to store Weiki?

Store the product at a temperature of 2 - 25°C. The minimum shelf life is 18 months.


How to dose Weiki?

  • Mix 7 ml in 7 l of water
  • .
  • Add to the top dressing every 10 days
  • .

Recenze 1

Recenze 2

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weiki probiotika rajcata
Probiotika pro rajčata Weiki
249 Kč
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