Special fertilizers

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vyr 3713005242 TRUMF ovocne dreviny 5kg.jpeg
TRUMF hnojivo pro ovocné dřeviny
Skladem u dodavatele
25375/1 KG
từ 128 Kč
31281 focus bloom velky
Growth Technology Orchid Focus Bloom na orchideje
Skladem (2 Cái)
từ 96 Kč
Tổng cộng 31 mục
KRISTALON Hortenzie 0,5 kg
KRISTALON Hortenzie 0,5 kg
Skladem u dodavatele
123 Kč

vyr 3713005242 TRUMF ovocne dreviny 5kg.jpeg
từ 128 Kč

Natural (organic) granular fertilizer for fruit trees. It works for up to 3 months. Nutrition without chemicals.

25375/1 KG
tubusy ciste ikony nazvetsovane2
Probiotika pro zahradu Weiki
Skladem u dodavatele
249 Kč

Natural probiotics will promote growth and flowering, accelerate fruit ripening and improve overall plant health. It will improve nutrient utilization from fertilizer and...

22818/250 ML
vyr 3100003254 Zdravy cesnek Plus
199 Kč

To pickle garlic clove seedlings and is capable of breaking down pathogenic fungi. The preparation is per 1 kg of garlic seedlings.  

weiki probiotika pro kompost
239 Kč

100% natural beneficial bacteria weiki are specialists in converting organic residues into nutritious fertilizer. They will quickly kick-start the composting process and help to...

22770/250 ML
vyr 768jehlicnany
118 Kč

Increases the frost resistance of woody plants and prevents needles from dropping or browning over winter. Reduces the risk of fungal diseases affecting plants. Suitable for...

AGRO Kapalné železo 0,5 l
AGRO Kapalné železo 0,5 l
Skladem u dodavatele
127 Kč

AGRO Cererit Hobby Start kapalný 1 l
87 Kč

Agro Citrusy 500 ml
Agro Citrusy 500 ml
Skladem (2 Cái)
59 Kč

Agro CITRUS is an excellent liquid fertilizer for citrus. It is an ideal fertilizer for all citrus plants. Thanks to its iron content, it prevents the occurrence of chlorosis,...

AGRO Kapalné hnojivo pro hortenzie 1 l
77 Kč

Jungle In Da Box Garden Base 1 l
249 Kč

UNGLE Garden® is a range of complex concentrated two-component fertilizers for ideal growth and fruit. Suitable for all types of hydroponic systems. The BASE component is always...

AGRO Kristalon pro okrasné dřeviny 0,5 kg
123 Kč

AGRO Kapalné hnojivo pro levandule a oleandry 1 l
97 Kč

AGRO Hnojivo pro brambory 5 kg
269 Kč

Hesi OrchiVit - hnojivo pro orchideje
từ 199 Kč

Hesi OrchiVit 500ml - fertilizer for orchids. OrchiVit contains, among other ingredients, the best of Hesi's TNT Complex, Root Complex and SuperVit products. As a result, your...

vyr 1751 008220 krystalicke hnojivo pro modre hortenzie 8594005009240 2 800x800
99 Kč

FLORIA Crystalline Fertiliser for Blue Hydrangeas is a very effective and fast-acting water-soluble fertiliser.

AGRO Cererit Hobby Okrasné rostliny kapalný 1 l
87 Kč

AGRO Cererit Hobby Ovoce kapalný 1 l
87 Kč

AGRO Cererit Hobby Podzim kapalný 1 l
87 Kč
vyr 1299005138 TRUMF Rododendrony hortenzie 1kg
109 Kč

Organomineral fertilizer, ideal for flowering hydrangeas, rhododendrons, azaleas, etc. It is enriched with dried seaweed. Contains magnesium for a fresh green colour of the...

weiki probiotika pro kvetiny
245 Kč

Flowers need billions of beneficial microorganisms for healthy growth, abundant flowering, resilience and well-being. Just like us humans. But the beneficial bacteria are...

22823/250 ML
La Poción Del Brujo More Grams
31278 focus grow velky
từ 89 Kč

Orchid Focus is made from pure mineral salts and enriched with concentrated organic vegetable acids. It does not contain urea, which damages sensitive orchid roots. Never use a...

vyr 829 008222 krystalicke hnojivo pro hortenzie 350g 8594005009554 2 800x800
99 Kč

FLORIA Crystalline Hydrangea Fertiliser is ideal for all hydrangeas grown in containers and beds.

AGRO Organominerální hnojivo okrasné dřeviny 1 kg
100 Kč

Agro Bonsaje 250 ml
Agro Bonsaje 250 ml
Skladem mimo prodejnu
49 Kč

Agro BONSAI is a liquid fertilizer for bonsai that reduces the growth of the plant due to its reduced nitrogen content and promotes the formation of smaller leaves or needles.

225 Kč

Agro FERTILIZER FOR FRUIT TREES AND WILD FRUIT is a granulated combined fertilizer. It is ideal for fertilizing fruit trees and small fruit (currants, gooseberries, raspberries,...

BOPON natural Vermikompost na orchideje
59 Kč

Caring for orchids is easy with BOPON natural vermicompost! This organic fertilizer contains all the important nutrients for healthy growth and flowering of your orchids.

BOPON Orchideje
69 Kč

BOPON Orchid Flower is a fertilizer specially designed to promote flower formation in orchids. It contains high levels of potassium, which promotes healthy flower growth and...

31281 focus bloom velky
từ 96 Kč

Orchid Focus is made from pure mineral salts and enriched with concentrated organic vegetable acids. It does not contain urea, which damages sensitive orchid roots. Never use a...

TRUMF Draselné hnojivo Vinasse 1 kg
135 Kč
Individuální cenová nabídka
Individuální cenová nabídka
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