Sumo Active Boost Shogun

Sumo Active Boost Shogun
Thương hiệu: Shogun
Chưa được đánh giá
199 Kč 669 Kč 2 379 Kč 3 899 Kč 8 939 Kč từ 199 Kč
Chọn dạng hàng
250 ml
1 l
5 l
10 l
25 l
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18.03.2025 18.03.2025 - - - Chọn dạng hàng
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Mô tả chi tiết sản phẩm

Use: Add 1-2 ml/litre to the nutrient reservoir or top dressing as soon as the flowering cycle begins, until harvest. Do not use with hydrogen peroxide.

Leaf Application - Add 2 ml/l and spray onto leaves. Apply once at the start of the flowering cycle and then again 28 days later. The recommended pH for foliar application is - 5-7.

SHOGUN Sumo Active Boost is a liquid emulsion concentrate composed of the natural compound Triacontanol and a plant extract sustainably harvested from the South Atlantic. It has exactly the same active ingredients as the standard SHOGUN Sumo Boost, but has been formulated to remain stable in tanks for up to 14 days. This version also stimulates heavy nutrient uptake and photosynthesis while increasing sugars, proteins, resins and terpenes.
Key Features:
Increased stability for use in active hydro systems.
Root nutrition throughout the bloom period with foliar applications every two weeks.
Includes triacontanol and plant auxins, cytokinins, brassinosteroids, vitamins and amino acids extracted using unique cell burst technology.
Increases water and nutrient uptake resulting in higher fresh and dry weights at harvest.
Increases secondary metabolite production. These metabolites serve as defensive compounds and include resins and terpenes that normally protect plants from the external environment.
SHOGUN Sumo Active Boost can be used to stimulate growth in all stressed or underperforming crops.

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Sumo Active Boost Shogun
Sumo Active Boost Shogun
199 Kč 669 Kč 2 379 Kč 3 899 Kč 8 939 Kč từ 199 Kč
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