Sweet Bat Guanokalong

218 Kč 334 Kč từ 218 Kč –31 % –31 % - - - - lên đến –31 %
Sweet Bat Guanokalong
Thương hiệu: Guanokalong
Chưa được đánh giá
218 Kč 334 Kč từ 218 Kč –31 % –31 % - - - - lên đến –31 %
149 Kč 228 Kč 499 Kč 799 Kč 1 399 Kč 2 999 Kč từ 149 Kč
Khuyến mại

Guanokalong Sweet Bat is a granulated fertilizer for the flowering season designed for growers who want to increase yields and crop quality naturally. The raw materials used in the product are purely organic and nourish plants and microorganisms in the soil.

Thông tin chi tiết
Chọn dạng hàng
500 g
1 kg
3 kg
5 kg
10 kg
25 kg
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24.03.2025 - - - - - Chọn dạng hàng
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Mô tả chi tiết sản phẩm

Guanokalong Sweet Bat is a granulated fertilizer for the flowering season designed for growers who want to increase yields and crop quality naturally. The raw materials used in the product are purely organic and nourish plants and microorganisms in the soil.

Sweet Bat is made from sugarcane molasses and High Phos high potency powder made from mineralized bat guano. This combination provides the plants with an extremely valuable nutritional base while nourishing the microorganisms living in the substrate. Molasses is a rapidly available source of energy for both plants and soil organisms. High-quality phosphorus strengthens the plant from the roots to the tips of the leaves and flowers. It also stimulates and promotes flower production. Micronutrients and enzymes help maintain the plant and soil at a high performance level. The potassium optimizes plant water retention and calcium strengthens plant cell walls.

Guanokalong Sweet Bat strengthens soil life and plants from the ground up. Stress that can damage plants is reduced, and pathogens such as harmful bacteria and fungi are also less likely to cause damage. Overall, the health and performance of the whole system is improved. This ultimately leads to better overall quality, more intense aroma and flavor, and higher yields.

NPK value: 0 - 10 - 10

  • suitable for indoor and outdoor use
  • suitable for peat and coconut substrates
  • fertilizer in granular form for easy dosing
  • stimulates root growth and revitalises the soil
  • a rapidly available source of energy for plants and micro-organisms
  • provides plants with phosphorus and potassium
  • contains many micronutrients such as calcium
  • provides more stable plant cell walls
  • improves the plant's water management
  • improves the quality, aroma and taste of crops
  • increases crop yield

Using Sweet Bat Guanokalong

Sweet Bat is easy to use and can be used indoors and outdoors. The granules can be mixed directly with the substrate or sprinkle the substrate around a potted plant and lightly work into the soil. The manufacturer recommends applying this food in the months of April, June and August.

  • Recommended quantity for indoor growing:
  1. In the first week of flowering, add 8 g to 1 litre of soil.
  2. In the 4th week of flowering, add 8 g per 1 litre of soil.

  • Outdoor growing: use 100 grams per plant at flowering time.

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Sweet Bat Guanokalong
Sweet Bat Guanokalong
218 Kč 334 Kč từ 218 Kč –31 % –31 % - - - - lên đến –31 %
149 Kč 228 Kč 499 Kč 799 Kč 1 399 Kč 2 999 Kč từ 149 Kč
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