Symbivit Symbiom - Mykorhiza pro rostliny

Symbivit Symbiom - Mykorhiza pro rostliny
Thương hiệu: Symbiom
Chưa được đánh giá
139 Kč 312 Kč 949 Kč 2 899 Kč từ 139 Kč

Healthy mycorrhiza improves plant nutrition, growth and health, ensures better flower and fruit production and higher yields, significantly reduces the need for watering and fertilizing, and increases plant resistance to stress.

Thông tin chi tiết
Chọn dạng hàng
150 g
750 g
3 kg
10 kg
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Mô tả chi tiết sản phẩm

Symbivit - Mykhoriza for Plants is a granular product suitable for flowering plants and most houseplants, climbing plants, ornamental grasses, most ornamental conifers, some ornamental trees and shrubs (maple, ash, crane), vegetables, fruits and for the treatment of lawns during their establishment and maintenance.

It is based on the use of the excellent properties of mycorrhizal fungi. It improves plant nutrition, growth and health, provides better flower and fruit production and higher yields, significantly reduces the need for watering and fertilizing, and increases plant resistance to stress.


improved nutrition, growth and health of plants
improved flower and fruit production, higher yield
significantly reduced need for watering and fertilizing
increased resistance of plants to stress (drought, transplanting, etc.)
suitable also for use on plants grown on slopes (effect on soil hardening)


Natural clay carriers, 5 species of mycorrhizal fungi, natural mycorrhiza-promoting ingredients (natural humates, seaweed extracts, ground rocks), hydrogel particles.

Applications of Symbivit:

  • applied using the included measuring cup (15 g).
  • For use in beds, pour the product into the bottom of the planting hole to form a continuous layer (1 cm) and plant out.
  • For use in pots, the rate is 1 scoop for every 1 litre of pot volume.

The product is suitable for:

flowering plants and most houseplants (roses, potato plants, balcony and box flowers such as geraniums, petunias, geraniums, verbena, etc.)
creepers, ornamental grasses
most ornamental conifers (yews, yew, juniper, cypress, etc.)
some ornamental trees and shrubs (maple, ash, crane, etc.)
vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, leeks, garlic, etc.)
fruits (strawberry, raspberry, currant, apple, etc.))
treatment of lawns during establishment and maintenance
For a comprehensive list of suitable plants, see the table below

The product is not suitable for:

For conifers such as pine, spruce, fir, etc. Use ECTOVIT® for some deciduous trees (beech, oak, birch, etc.).
For heath plants (heather, azaleas, blueberries, rhododendrons, etc.) use RHODOVIT®.

Hãy là người đầu tiên đăng bài báo về mặt hàng này!

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Symbivit Symbiom - Mykorhiza pro rostliny
Symbivit Symbiom - Mykorhiza pro rostliny
139 Kč 312 Kč 949 Kč 2 899 Kč từ 139 Kč
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