Terra Vega Canna

Terra Vega Canna
Thương hiệu: Canna
Chưa được đánh giá
249 Kč 899 Kč 1 549 Kč từ 249 Kč

Terra Vega is a growth fertilizer designed primarily for fast-growing plants grown in soil substrates.

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Chọn dạng hàng
1 l
5 l
10 l
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27.03.2025 - 27.03.2025 Chọn dạng hàng
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Mô tả chi tiết sản phẩm

Canna Terra Vega is a fertilizer designed primarily for fast-growing plants grown in soil substrates in the growth phase. This nutrition results in strong and vigorous plants with strong shoots and a developed root system. Terra Vega is formulated to compensate for the tendency of the soil to bind some of the nutrients and at the same time to make all the nutrients directly absorbable so that the plants can grow strong right from the start. The nutrition is rich in trace elements in the form of chelates, which ensures a constant supply of these nutrients so that the plant does not lack anything.

Canna Terra is a range developed specifically for soil substrates. The biggest advantage of growing in soil is the tolerant nature of this medium in relation to the grower, so that, for example, slight variations in nutrition do not affect the yield as much. On the other hand, one of the disadvantages is that different types of soil capture different nutrients differently, making it difficult to achieve perfect fertiliser dosage. Canna Terra is developed to achieve good results with any soil substrate. However, if you use any of the Canna soil substrates, you can expect consistently good results.


  • Add at a ratio of 1:200 (500 ml per 100 litres of water)
  • .
  • EC of the resulting solution should be between 0.9 and 1.6.
  • The recommended pH level is between 5.2 and 6.2.
  • Add nutrition 1-3 times per week and in each watering if using a non-pre-fertilized substrate.

Composition: NPK : 3-1-4

Canna Terra fertilizers are suitable for use with all peat based substrates with adjusted pH. However, best results are achieved when used with Canna Terra Professional and Canna Terra Professional Plus.

Các thông số bổ sung

Danh mục hàng: Basic fertilisers for soil
Vhodné pro orchideje: pro zahradu

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Terra Vega Canna
Terra Vega Canna
249 Kč 899 Kč 1 549 Kč từ 249 Kč
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