Vitalize Mills

Vitalize Mills
Thương hiệu: Mills
Chưa được đánh giá
629 Kč 1 559 Kč 2 859 Kč 4 939 Kč 21 449 Kč từ 629 Kč

The flagship product of Mills! A totally unique silicate stimulator with a unique formula

Thông tin chi tiết
Chọn dạng hàng
100 ml
250 ml
500 ml
1 l
5 l
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Mô tả chi tiết sản phẩm

The flagship of Mills products!
A totally unique silicate product that, due to its composition, cannot be manufactured by anyone else but Mills. In fact, only Mills' laboratories have succeeded in extracting the liquid form of the purest, highly concentrated natural silica and transforming it into orthosilicic acid so that it can be stored in bottles. This process is currently being attempted by many of the world's well-known fertiliser manufacturers, but to no avail. Since silicon is a highly reactive element and only Mills knows the exacting formula for its extraction, other products are based only on potassium silicate or silica derivatives, which will not only affect the results of cultivation but also the frequency of dosing and therefore the financial savings. Competing products are dosed at a concentration of 1-2 ml per 10 l at each watering, but Vitalize poze is dosed at a concentration of 1-2m l per 10 l once a week!

What makes Vitalize special?
Silicon is a building block that is deposited in cell walls and greatly expands them. The result of the application is an increase in the width of the stems and an overall strengthening of the stems. However, thanks to the revolutionary composition of Vitalize and its extraordinary concentration, the growth of the cell walls is so accelerated and enormous that a much larger than usual cavity is created inside the stems, thus accelerating the transpiration process, i.e. the transfer of nutrients from the root to the flowers. Accelerated transpiration means an increased ability to absorb additional nutrients, accelerating subsequent growth and achieving maximum potential in the flowering period followed by phenomenal yields.
Everything works together - if Vitalize spreads the stem, greater transpiration of elements will occur and the foliage and cell structure will be strengthened. This results in easier assimilation (evaporation of water through the leaves), so the leaves are more cooled and can withstand much higher temperatures. The resistance of the leaves, stems and flowers due to the wide cell walls also has a significant effect on the resistance of the plants to pests and fungi. To enhance the protective effect against bacteria and diseases, Vitalize can also be used as a spray.

In addition to the purest form of silicon, Vitalize also contains other microelements and calcium, which are absorbed directly by the plant.
> Vitalize can be used in combination with all available organic or mineral fertilizers.
Since silicon acts as an imaginary elevator from the root to the flowers, it is necessary to add that its use should not be interrupted to avoid a deficiency of the elements. It is therefore recommended to use it from the very beginning of cultivation until harvest.

Important: ALWAYS ADD VITALIZE TO THE FERTILIZER FIRST! Due to its high concentration and reactivity to other elements, add it before all other fertilizers! If dosing into the tank of a hydroponic system where fertilizers are already present, mix Vitalize first in a small container with a little water before applying it to the nutrient solution.
NEVER DROP VITALIZE INTO WATER FROM ABOVE! Bond breaking and reduced fertilizer efficiency may occur. If the policy of adding Vitalize first is violated, a situation may occur where the nutrient solution turns a milky color, indicating the above reaction and it is necessary to pour out the nutrient solution and prepare a new top dressing.

Dosage: see application table. The quantity is the same for all growing media and all growing methods including hydroponics.

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Vitalize Mills
Vitalize Mills
629 Kč 1 559 Kč 2 859 Kč 4 939 Kč 21 449 Kč từ 629 Kč
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